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Input 2 S6E7: Women in Film Today

Welcome to this week's episode of Input 2! We discuss woman's current representation in films and their issues. Do films allow women to have more prominent and progressive roles, especially within action films? Find out this and more on this week's episode of Input 2!

How It's Played S3E4: Bowser Takes Over Nintendo

Welcome to this week's episode of How It's Played! This week we are discussing the recent change in leadership at our family friendly, and fan favorite company, Nintendo. Reggie Fils-Aime recently decided to retire from being Nintendo's President. How will this affect the company and what will happen from here on out? All of this and more on this week's episode of How It's Played.

Is music just as good as it used to be?

A lot of the plight also seems to be how much music that is popular now is that it is electronically generated and typically the lyrics are simple and relatively meaningless. The prevalence of rap and hip hop have also been controversial as the catchy beats and easy-to-sing lyrics seem to be loved but also hated at the same time.

An interview with a rising star: Cory Cooper

The L.A. based singer and songwriter dropped his first EP on March 8. His songs are composed of subjected balladry weaved with audibly entrancing pop beats. As a very self-motivated creator with a strong passion, Cooper is working his way into the world of music as a bold and truly unique artist.

State of the YouTube: Adpocalypse now

All actions, even those for the greater good, can have negative or unforeseen consequences  The best thing that YouTube did is that they contacted the authorities and reported suspicious accounts. Here’s hoping the situation gets resolved.

5 leprechaun movies to watch this St. Patrick’s Day

The most peculiar and prominent imagery from St. Patrick’s Day happens to be the leprechaun, a fantastical Irish fairy dressed in green and concerned about gold and luck. There have been many iterations of the lucky little Irishman in popular culture, ranging all the way from the iconic to the indistinct.

History of: Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers has been a part of more teams than Wolverine and is even dubbed “Marvel’s mightiest Avenger.” But how did this powerful being known as Captain Marvel come to be? 

Input 2 S6E6: Flying with Dragons

Welcome back to this week’s episode of Input 2! We discuss the latest film in the How to Train Your Dragon series. While the movie does make several improvements to characters, there are still flaws. How does this stack up to the rest of the series? Find out this and more on this week’s episode of Input 2!

The progression of music in Capcom games

Music has always been a major part of video games. For some, it is a defining part of their brand. It brings emotion and feeling to the game. It breathes life into the world and characters of the game many people spent years working on. Not many people will take time to notice the music, but it is always there. With CAPCOM releasing all of their music, it gives the music a chance to get the appreciation and recognition it deserves.
