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Hot Takes

First 'Fallout 4' patch to include bug fixes, memory and stability improvements

A beta version of the first patch for Fallout 4 was released, albeit only for players on PC who chose to receive beta updates. Developer Bethesda said last week it was “hard at work addressing top issues,” but for now, the patch will be released on Steam in beta first, followed by PC and lastly by consoles. The patch, titled 1.2.33, will fix issues relating to things such as jumping into water, equipping weapons, and reloading saved games.

CHECKPOINT: YouTube Fights the Man

Don't Starve is getting a new expansion,  we have even more Halo news, and our dear YouTube is finally sticking up for us small people! Hosts: Dalton Martin & Julia Parobek Camera: Michael Robb Teleprompter: Spencer Smith Editing: Michael Robb Music: Lex Bravary Graphics: Meghan Duffy, Sam Noble, Lauren Lucas Producer: Dalton Martin

Furries bring positivity despite negative misconceptions

Among the many clubs and organizations at Ball State, few are so often discussed or misunderstood as the Anthropomorphic Art Society – more widely known as the “furries”. While some fans argue about what exactly makes someone a furry, a popular definition is that a furry is anyone who enjoys anthropomorphic art.

Women athletes team up with female Marvel heroes

Women athletes and super heroes are teaming up together for espnW to illustrate the talents of women athletes who will each be alongside a certain Marvel female hero. IMPACT25 is a list that will be a countdown of the most influential women athletes in sports. Emanuela Lupacchino and Rachelle Rosenberg will be showing off their first illustration of professional American soccer player Carli Lloyd, who will be paired up next to Captain Marvel. Marvel Director of Content and Character Development, Sana Amanat, explained why espnW and Marvel decided to team up: “Marvel’s mission is to celebrate the hero’s journey – and espnW’s IMPACT25 is a uniquely incredible way to do that.

YouTube takes a stand

YouTube has declared war on unlawful and unjustified copyright notices. A recent blog post from the Copyright Legal Director of Google, Fred von Lohmann, has backed up a select few videos to be used as examples of protected under fair usage laws.

Hitachi allows for more accurate multilingual speech recognition

Japanese technology corporation Hitachi Group announced that it has developed a speech signal processing technology that will allow for more accurate multilingual translation in noisy environments. The technology will be able to accurately recognize speech in environments with noise levels up to 70 decibels, or about as loud as the average vacuum cleaner.