Ball State hosts teams competing in Global Game Jam 2018

Last weekend marked Ball State’s 2nd annual participation in the Global Game Jam event, which sees contestants attempt to create a stand-alone game in just 48 hours. We (Eben Griger and Nolan Leahy) had a chance to playtest some of the final products and talk to some of those involved.  


Cardinal Metrics to host a social mixer showcasing emergent tech tonight

Cardinal Metrics is hosting a social mixer Tuesday evening in the hopes that students from all walks of life and all majors will come to learn about how they can get involved with using emerging technology. The event will be held in the Holden Strategic Communications Center in the Arts and Journalism building from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Participants will be able to explore the emergent technology of eye-tracking through an iSpy game. Afterwards, students will get to visualize their results and make an in-depth evaluation of how they did.


Ball State basketball player meets Chance the Rapper

While in Pittsburgh, Trey Moses had the opportunity to meet last year’s Grammy award-winning artist Chance the Rapper. The Ball State basketball player purchased VIP tickets to his performance, allowing him to meet the 24-year-old artist and even snap a selfie that got over 1,000 likes and 400 retweets on Twitter. “We really didn’t talk about much; it was more of a kind of like ‘Hey’ and then we took the picture,” Moses said.

Several parking lots on Ball State's campus will receive repairs beginning at the end of May and continuing into the middle part of July. STEPHANIE AMADOR // DN FILE

List of upcoming Ball State parking lot repairs

Several parking lots around Ball State's campus will receive repairs throughout the end of May and into the middle part of July. An email sent out by Parking Services today notified of the following renovations set to take place around campus.


Student-run restaurant specializes in fine dining

Cooked duck, lamb and steak aren’t too hard to find on Ball State’s campus–if you know where to look. Allegre, Ball State’s student-run restaurant, makes unique meals using these type of meats every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the Applied Technology building.


First weekend of Spring Break forecast

With Spring Break just one day away for students here at Ball State University, how will the forecast play out for those sticking around the state? Weather Forecaster Balint Szalavari has the full forecast here!

Ball State Emergency Alert System // Photo Courtesy

Power restored on campus

The high voltage circuit that supplies power to these buildings faulted a switching vault. The reason for the fault will be determined and repaired.

Police responded to a call about the parking garage behind the L.A. Pittenger Student Center around 2 p.m. Thursday. According to university strategic communications, the case is now being labeled a "false alarm" but it is still under investigation. Mary Freda // DN 

BREAKING: Police activity at Student Center parking garage

Police responded to a call about the parking garage behind the L.A. Pittenger Student Center around 2 p.m. Thursday. Police got a call about a person in question who was reported to be standing on the wall of the third floor of the parking garage. When police arrived they conducted a "thorough" search of the parking garage and were unable to locate the person in question, Muncie Police Department officer Steve Cox said. According to university strategic communications, the case is now being labeled a "false alarm" but it is still under investigation.

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