Heartland Film Festival: ‘Nathan’s Kingdom’ is a journey that’s worth the hardships

‘Nathan’s Kingdom’ is a gritty, real film that tackles familial  relationships involving a developmental disorder in a way that very few films are  willing to stomach. It’s tough to watch at times (sometimes  unintentionally so), but the hardships make the triumphs all the more  worth it. It really is a beautiful journey to watch all the way through,  with an extremely satisfying and tear-jerking ending. This film is a  must-watch for anyone looking for a heart-warming story about such a  tough subject matter. 


Animation A-Team S5E1: The Glories of Voltron

  In the latest episode, we break down everything about Voltron: Legendary Defender. From the show’s origins to the development of the characters in its latest season, the show has a lot of promise around it. This even includes support from Netflix. However, how does the show compare to its previous seasons? Let’s discuss the impact of this show and some more on this entry of Animation A-Team.

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