Apple lists 8 Samsung products it wants banned

SAN FRANCISCO - Apple Inc. on Monday gave a federal judge a list of eight Samsung Electronics Co. products it wants pulled from shelves and banned from the U.S. market. -á


Ind. excise police issue 77 citations over weekend

For the second weekend in a row, Indiana State Excise Police descended on the Ball State area, this time issuing 77 citations and making arrests, including a juvenile detained for alcohol possession and fleeing police officers.


Neil Armstrong, 1st man on the moon, dies

CINCINNATI (AP) - Neil Armstrong was a quiet self-described nerdy engineer who became a global hero when as a steely-nerved pilot he made "one giant leap for mankind" with a small step on to the moon. The modest man who had people on Earth entranced and awed from almost a quarter million miles away has died. He was 82. -á

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