OUR VIEW: A Spark Forward’s report card

At the beginning of the academic year, the president of the Student Government Association resigned, following backlash from racially insensitive tweets he published.The incident could easily have isolated SGA from the rest of the student body. Instead, it seems outreach has been this executive board’s strongest platform.


OUR VIEW: Ball State needs to make the Intelligent Design discussion public

Ball State can’t end the intelligent design discussion without first having it. In May 2013, the university began investigating a Honors College course accused of teaching intelligent design, which received national attention and resulted in a decision by a private panel of four people. Late July, University President Jo Ann Gora made a definitive statement that could have ended the conversation about the course and its professor, Eric Hedin, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy.


THE DYESSERTATION: Conversation, not debates, is the way to change minds

There is no clear winner in a verbal death match between two hardcore believers with opposite perspectives.That was pretty evident in the Creationism debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham — one known as the educational Science Guy and one known as the founder of the Creation Museum. After more than two hours of debating, neither admitted defeat.


Successful leaders inspire others

I sat amid 1,200 climate activists in a noisy conference room, patiently waiting for former Vice President Al Gore to speak at the 23rd Climate Leader training last summer. Feeling nervous but relieved, I knew that I wasn’t sitting alone as a young leader. As it was my first leadership conference, I didn’t know what to expect, but I was excited to be part of the global cultural movement.


FASHION FIX: That’s, hopefully, so last year

It’s true, 2013 was a good year for fashion. Pantone’s color of the year — emerald green —swept the streets, Rick Owens brought stomping to the runway, Prada cast a black model for the first time in 20 years and Kate Middleton continued to make me weep happy tears with every flawless outfit she sported.

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