Aric Fickert, a sophomore exercise science major, speaks to police about what he knew after an officer's gun accidentally discharged a few moments earlier. Fickert was released immediately after questioning. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP

Students involved in lockdown talk about evacuation

Police cars lined the streets as tape was rolled out, rifles were cocked and K-9 units were deployed as police surrounded the Student Recreation and Wellness Center after reports of a possible gunman. “I was freaking out a little bit,” Meghan Pea, a freshman elementary education major, said.

Police cars surround the Student Recreation and Wellness Center after the report of an armed assailant Nov. 15. DN PHOTO TAYLOR IRBY

Timeline of events following reports of gunman

6:59 p.m. Ball State Alert sends a text to students letting them know that the Health and Physical Activity Building, the Lewellen Aquatic Center, the Student Recreation and Wellness Center and Worthen Arena are the affected buildings that police are assessing.

	Members of the Students for Creative Social Activism talked with students Thursday to encourage them to write to their legislators. DN PHOTO JACOB BURBRINK

Group encourages students to write to their legislators

Members of the Students for Creative Social Activism were in the Atrium Thursday to encourage students to write to their legislators. The organization members were on hand to help students find legislation that is active in Congress, find out who the legislator is that is involved, and give tips on how to write an effective letter to them. Ariana Brown, president of the organization, said the event was something that she has wanted to do for months. “I think it’s going to be really helpful in just kind of breaking the ice and making people feel more confident going into writing their legislators or contacting elected officials or in any way trying to negotiate our huge government,” Brown said. Tips the organization has for writing an effective letter include making sure the correct person is being contacted, focusing on a specific bill in the letter, proving authority on the issue and talking about how personal effects of the legislation. Brown said some people may feel very strong about an issue, but that does not give them the right not to be cordial. “I feel that if somebody is on their own and they are like so riled up about it that they are going to write their legislator, they are a lot more fired up than people who are just walking around the Atrium like what is this, I think I might be interested in this thing,” Brown said. Jackson Nelschorson, a senior creative writing major, was one of the students who walked by the event and got involved.

Concerned Charlie provides students with the opportunity to ask questions anonymously on the internet and get advice and information from professionals at the counseling center. The program allows students to seek help without dealing with the stigma behind mental health. SCREENSHOT FROM CONCERNED CHARLIE WEB SITE

Online service offers anonymous students psychological advice

A program that started in the ‘90s continues to help students get anonymous, professional advice for their emotional and academic questions. Concerned Charlie is a way to give students access to the counseling center without having to talk to a psychologist, which some may find uncomfortable, said Lee Van Donselaar, assistant director for training.


Gora, university officials tour Vietnam for international academic relations

Ball State officials, along with four other universities, took a five-day tour to Vietnam last week in hopes of broadening international academic relations. President Jo Ann Gora joined Ken Holland, director of the Center for International Development, and Tom Taylor, vice president for Enrollment, Marketing, and Communications to represent Ball State through the International Academic Partnership Program.

	Those in favor still hopeful as mariage ban moves to general assembly soon

SGA passes resolution, recommends Ball State stand against HJR-6

The Student Government Association passed a resolution that recommends Ball State take a public stance against the House Joint Resolution 6. The SGA resolution passed with 29 to 6 and two abstaining. Same-sex marriage is already illegal in Indiana, but HJR-6 will define marriage as between a man and a woman in the state constitution.

Gene Policinski stresses the importance of journalists self-regulating drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, in an attempt to make the public more comfortable with the use by news organizations. Policinski, an alumnus as well as the chief operating officer at the Newseum Institute and senior vice president at the First Amendment Center, spoke at the

Speaker encourages use of drones for journalist, police

Drones are one of many emerging technologies some say threaten citizen’s personal privacy. Gene Policinski, chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute, spoke Tuesday in defense of the “misunderstood” technology. Unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, are an emerging technology which journalists can use as new form of storytelling.

	The Student Government Association introduced a referendum during its meeting Wednesday to encourage Ball State to take a public stance against House Joint Resolution 6, which would recognize marriage in Indiana as distinctly between a man and a woman.

SGA to vote on resolution asking university to take stand against HJR6

• Student Government Association votes today on a resolution to oppose a bill defining mariage as between one man and one woman. • If it passes, three SGA members will act as student’s voice at University Senate Thursday. • 596 people have taken a survey as part of push to gather constituent’s voices. Approximately 300 students sponsored a Student Government Association resolution to take a stance against House Joint Resolution 6. If HJR-6 passes, it will define valid and recognized marriage as between one man and one woman in the state’s constitution.


Students work on documentary to educate students on benefits of local, sustainable farming

• “Down to Earth” challenges viewers to buy local produce. • Film will premier at Dec. 5 event at Muncie Fairgrounds. • Students work as team to finish immersive learning project. Three students are putting the finishing touches on a documentary about food on a global scale. “We want students to be aware of where their food comes from and how it affects everything around it,” said Garret Brubaker, a junior telecommunications and video production major. Brubaker, along with Dan Edwards and Sam Noble, work in the Virginia B.

Cigarette buds scatter the ground at the smoking area by the Studebaker East Complex. The new ban will force the students, faculty and staff who use this area to move off campus to smoke. DN FILE PHOTO EMMA FLYNN

Student group offers support to help fellow smokers fight the addiction

• Students meet weekly do discuss cravings. • Program looks to provide accountability. • Of adults ages 18-24, 18.9 percent smoke in the United States, according the Center of Disease Control and Prevention. One group of students on campus is gathering each semester to try to live a healthier lifestyle and comply with the university’s smoke-free campus initiative. The six-week program, run by the Amelia T.

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