Saturday classes, making up for lost time

Many professors taught to nearly empty classrooms today in an effort to make up for lost time.

Professors were forced to find a way to make up instruction time after the extreme cold caused the university to cancel two days at the start of the semester.

Ciera Davis, a freshman theatre design major, went to her personal finance class because it only meets once a week. She said about 20 students out of 100 showed up.

“We covered an entire chapter today,” she said.

On Jan. 22, Ball State announced its decision to have Friday night and Saturday classes. Associate Provost Marilyn Buck said at a Faculty Senate meeting Jan. 23 that the makeup Saturday classes shouldn’t be “canceled without notifying the department chair as to why and what is going on.”

Students argued at the time that they didn’t need to make up what would traditionally be a day spent reading over a course’s syllabus.

On Twitter, Olivia Romero echoed several people’s sentiments at the time, saying students can’t cancel plans to make up class time.
“Nobody has time to make up syllabus week on Friday and Saturday. Ball State you’re so confused. #isthisajoke,” @olivialromero posted on Jan. 22.
Two weeks later when Saturday classes were made a reality, many students did not attend class.

Senior accounting and finance major Camron Barnes didn’t cancel his plans with friends and family just to make up a missed day.

“I had family and friends coming to town, so I was in Indianapolis last night and this morning,” he said. “I just got to campus to meet with my group for a project.”

Although professors were held accountable for being in the classroom, many didn’t require the same of their students.

Freshman Morgan Powell’s professors posted content online so students wouldn’t have to leave their rooms to make up the time.

“My other classes just didn’t meet because we were caught up in our class,” Powell said.

Ball State has two more days to make up for classes canceled Jan. 7. For classes scheduled before 6:30 p.m. Jan. 7, they will meet at the same time Saturday. For classes after 6:30 p.m. Jan. 7, they will meet at the same time Friday.

VIDEO: Students discuss Saturday make-up classes, attendance


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