With less than two weeks left to go, the stress may be piling up, but you can take heart in

knowing the Student Government is working hard for you. Our most recent initiative is to work with you

to improve Ball State technology to better meet your needs with the Technology Advisory Board for

Students (TAB). In order to jump start the new TAB, we sent out the Ball State Technology Survey to find

out what students are currently using and what students would like to see more of concerning Ball State

technology. Right now the administration is ready and excited to work with us to improve our

technology, but there is a huge lack of student input. Make sure you go to http://

www.surveymonkey.com/s/G3BD26Y to let us know how technology can be made better for you.

Starting next semester, the Technology Advisory Board will begin meeting to propose ideas, solutions,

and recommendations on how to better improve students' experience at Ball State. If you are interested

in taking part, please let us know by sending an email to us at sga@bsu.edu.

Another big event coming up in the Student Government is our Spring Elections. If you or someone you

know has any interest in being a part of the Student Government, I encourage you to check us out. With

around 50 seats in the Senate and numerous other positions throughout University Governance, there

is a perfect fit for you. For more information, you can look at our website www.bsu.edu/sga/involved or

stop by our office in the Student Center Room 112 anytime.

As we approach finals week, there is something very important to all students should be aware of. This

year Ball State implemented a new Calendar change resulting in the loss of Fruesday and a new four-day

finals week. Please make sure that if you have inQsit finals you are only registering for one test slot per

final. Reserving multiple spots causes more headache for others than it is worth.

In these last two weeks, even when it seems tough, remember that thousands upon thousands of

students have gone before you…and survived. Eat right and get plenty of sleep so you are finishing

strong. Then enjoy a wonderful Winter Break at home.

Best Wishes!

Kayla Stanton

President of the Ball State SGA


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