OVERSHARE!: Possiblility of MITS charging for student riders causes worry

It has recently come to light that MITS is considering charging students for the now free bus service in order to offset the rising costs of transportation. Can you blame them?

The problem all seems to rest in the fact that gas prices are rising and bus drivers are looking for better health care benefits. While this fact might not be the direct fault of Ball State University students, our free ride elimination seems to be a possible solution.

This fact is making some students at least somewhat angry. I mean, this service is free now, so taking it away would be mean. MITS doesn't want to renege now does it?

It would be impossible for us to take this money out of our own pockets. We have to have free bus rides so we have money for things like the new Fergie album. Oh, and who likes the Dasani water they serve in Dining Services? It tastes like salt. Only Aquafina will do.

Also, as college students, we are constantly bogged down with other concerns. How am I going to make it to class on Monday with this hangover? What am I going to do for Spring Break? I can deal with wondering who my MySpace top eight are going to be, but bus fare? That's asking a little too much.

Why don't they just charge the other people riding the bus more? Raise their fare a quarter and think of all the money you could make! They don't need the money anyway. I mean, the average MITS rider has to be bringing in tons of money from their very prosperous careers. Plus, the only things they have to worry about are food, bills and possibly clothes for their kids. If they don't like it, they can just get cars!

Oh, and don't feel bad for the bus drivers. They have steady jobs, so there is no reason why they can't buy their own insurance. It's not that expensive, right? Besides, if they had gone to college like us, then they would have better jobs and this would not be a problem. If the bus drivers were college students they would have wanted free rides, too!

MITS just can't start charging us for this service. We would be broke, immobile and unable to do all that community service we partake in. We would have no way to get off-campus to plant trees and clean parks and teach underprivileged elementary school children how to read in our free time.

We would also be unable to put our money back into the economy. If we were not able to get to Wal-Mart and buy the things we so desperately need, that money would never go back into the community. Muncie businesses would fail because everyone knows Wal-Mart puts so much back into the cities in which they reside. We get free rides for Muncie's own benefit.

It's very easy for us to sit back and complain that because we have to pay tuition and have other things to worry about, like tests and Nazi professors, we should not have to be forced to take on the extra responsibility of paying for our weekly Wal-Mart runs. I thought college was where you learned to grow up and start becoming accountable and independent.


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