‘The House with a Clock in Its Walls’ has a few springs loose, but still functions

 ‘The House with A Clock in Its Walls’ is a spooktacular Spielberg  throwback marred by some iffy effects and poorly-done punch-up. Jack  Black and Cate Blanchett absolutely steal the show with a surprising  amount of chemistry, the latter adding a necessary sense of heart that  the main narrative tries to pull off (to mixed results). Darker than  your average Autumn family flick, it makes for a perfect matinee and a  potential staple of yearly cable Halloween movie marathons for years to  come. Not as well-wound as it should have been, but even a broken clock  can still get the time right if the conditions are favorable.  


‘Dragalia Lost’ is both the best and worst of mobile gaming

 ‘Dragalia Lost’ is everything great about JRPG’s combined with  everything horrible about mobile games. The characters and art-style are  both wonderful, and the gameplay itself is fun and addictive. However,  the game is bogged down by a sub-optimal control scheme and horrendous  progression that walls you the moment you really start getting into the  game. It’s definitely worth a try, but once it starts demanding cash,  tell it to get lost. 


‘God Friended Me’ Season 1, Episode 1: “Pilot”

 “Pilot” serves its purpose to establish the procedural nature of ‘God  Friended Me.’ The episode itself, however, doesn’t give confidence that  this series will have a long lifespan. Somewhere buried underneath all  of the cringey dialogue, terrible acting, contrived plot points, there’s  a solid core that has potential to make an interesting show discussing  religion and social media. That, however, would be too complex and  unique for a primetime CBS show. It may be fun to watch as something  fascinatingly bad, but that doesn’t actually make it good. 

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