Emma Kate Fittes



SGA to continue slated projects, focus on diversity

Only a few minutes after former SGA vice president Carli Hendershot announced her resignation, former president pro-tempore Bryan Kubel was ready to raise his right hand and step up.Kubel said he had known for a few days and had run Senate for Hendershot while she was hospitalized the week before.

Ball State President Jo Ann Gora waves to the crowd during the Homecoming Parade on Oct. 12. Gora announced in an email she will retire in June, 2014. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY

Defining Ball State

Around President Jo Ann Gora’s office, there is not a single picture of her husband, two children or three grandchildren.Instead, the items that cover the walls and windowsills tell the story of a different family, a decade of Ball State history.


President Jo Ann Gora poses with alumnus and Ball State University Foundation Director Mark Holden and his family. Holden donated a significant portion of the funding required to build the Unified Media lab. DN PHOTO EMMA KATE FITTES

President Jo Ann Gora poses with alumnus and Ball State University Foundation Director Mark Holden and his family. Holden donated a significant portion of the funding required to build the Unified Media lab. DN PHOTO EMMA KATE FITTES

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