Revamping the McKinley Mile

In an effort to bring the McKinley Mile more in line with similar springtime races - the Little 500 at Indiana University and the Grand Prix at Purdue University -¡- Ball State is beefing up the bike race by adding a second, easier course, as well as inflatables and other activities for bystanders.


Gingrich pledge to support Romney

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Under pressure to help unify his party, Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich pledged Tuesday to support Mitt Romney if the former Massachusetts governor wins enough convention delegates to clinch the nomination by the end of the GOP primary season in June.


Gay-marriage foes sought to split gays and blacks

The leading national organization opposing same-sex marriage has sought to split the Democratic Party base by pitting African-Americans and Hispanics against gay-rights groups, according to confidential strategy memos made public by court officials in Maine.


BASEBALL: Bowling's savvy key to his success

There is no one moment when Cal Bowling became a true college ace. There was never a day when he discovered a new grip for his curveball or suddenly reared back and found a few extra miles per hour for his fastball.

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