LINDSEY'S PICKS: Email and Eagles

Over the summer, I received multiple emails from Ticketmaster about the History of The Eagles tour. At first, I deleted them, blaming my lack of money and friends interested in the band for not attending.


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Student disagrees with columnist's view of immigration reform bill

Last Tuesday, McKenzie Clift published an opinion piece in opposition to the comprehensive immigration reform bill passed by the Senate earlier this year. Clift clearly has some misconceptions about the actual provisions of the bill and what its implications are for the country. Her conclusions about what she calls the Democratic “amnesty” bill — in reality a bipartisan compromise crafted and supported by four Republican Senators, including John McCain and Marco Rubio — are largely incorrect.


OUR VIEW: Nice idea, rough execution

It’s easier to make a rule than to smoothly implement it. Ball State went from having almost 20 smoking sections to having absolutely no smoking on campus Aug. 1.


MIND OF A REPUBLICAN: Amnesty is not the answer to immigration

In the most primitive roots of American history, immigration has, at its heart, nurtured the most powerful and significantly diverse population in the world. It is true that we recognize the significance of creating a welcoming culture to lawful immigration as it serves as a vitality of the very economic prosperity and cultural diversity that contributes so integrally to our individual freedom, limited government and free enterprise system.


Existentia Academica

Austin Russell draws “Existentia Academica” comics for the Daily News. His views and opinions don’t necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Austin at abrussell@bsu.edu or follow him on Twitter @arussthebus.


Strange Gods

Josh Shaffer is an art major and draws “Strange Gods” for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Josh at jashaffer@bsu.edu.


Existentia Academica

Austin Russell draws “Existentia Academica” comics for the Daily News. His views and opinions don’t necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Austin at abrussell@bsu.edu or follow him on Twitter @arussthebus.


Strange Gods

Josh Shaffer is an art major and draws “Strange Gods” for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Josh at jashaffer@bsu.edu.


Existentia Academica

Austin Russell draws “Existentia Academica” comics for the Daily News. His views and opinions don’t necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Austin at abrussell@bsu.edu or follow him on Twitter @arussthebus.


COMMON SENSE: How to take your parents to a bar

For some students, the words “family” and “weekend” just don’t go together. Family means family members and a game of “Scrabble” while weekend at college means pounding music, shots and a hangover the next morning.

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