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‘Shadow of the Tomb Raider’ is a satisfying conclusion to Lara Croft’s journey

This review is based off the Xbox One version of the game.

The Tomb Raider series is one of the longest running  action-adventure franchises in the genre. The series that was rebooted  back in 2012 is now a trilogy focusing on how an inexperienced Lara  Craft became the Tomb Raider we all know. Shadow of the Tomb Raider finishes off the final leg of this journey and provides a fun and exciting end to the trilogy.

Excellent character development and world building

Taking place two months after the end of the previous game, the game  follows Lara Croft (once again played by Camilla Luddington) as she  tracks down the cells of the paramilitary organization, Trinity, with  her friend Jonah Maiava. Their journey leads them to South America in  search of the latest cell. There, they come into conflict with Pedro  Dominguez, a member of Trinity’s high council, who also knew Lara’s  father. Lara is now tracking down the hidden city of Paititi, as well as  a dagger and a silver box that are linked with the Mayan Apocalypse.  When Lara retrieves the dagger she unintentionally sets off the  apocalypse, which will end with a total eclipse of the sun. Now Lara is  caught in a race against time to find the silver box before Trinity does  and stop the apocalypse from happening.

Image from Steam

As with the previous games, one of the strengths of the story is  Luddington’s performance as Lara. She gives her a vulnerability that  humanizes her and makes her relatable. Accidentally kickstarting the  apocalypse weighs heavily on her consciousness, as well as the innocent  lives that are lost to the earthquakes. However, this game brings a much  darker characterization to Lara as she is much more willing to brutally  kill Trinity soldiers in cold blood when confronted with them. This  darker characterization seems essential, as it helps complete Lara’s  transformation into the Tomb Raider. Jonah’s expanded role in the game  is also a welcomed addition, as he provides moral support for Lara as  well as serving as her conscious. However, what was surprising was the  villain of Dominguez, who is revealed to be the ruler of the hidden city  of Paititi. He proves to be a somewhat sympathetic villain, as  everything he has done was to protect Paititi from the outside world. On  the opposite end of the villain spectrum is Rourke, the commander of  Trinity’s military forces. He is cruel, cowardly, and despicable, making  for a villain that the player loves to hate.

While the characters and Lara’s character arc are main strengths of  the game, a big draw of it is the city of Paititi and the people who  dwell within it. The people are a blend of elements of Mayan and Inca  cultures and come off as unique and interesting people. The game  developers have put effort into making the people and their city come  off as authentic, and it honestly works. There are several references to  different myths and deities of Incan culture, showing that the put care  into crafting their take on Paititi. This extra care and research paid  off in giving the game a unique feel when compared to its predecessors.

Serviceable, stealthy, gameplay

Image from Steam

The core gameplay of the series has not changed in this game. While  it is still good, at this point it feels stale. There are no major  overhauls or changes to make it feel different or unique from its  predecessors. In spite of this, the gameplay is still serviceable and  enjoyable. Lara’s main weapon is a bow and arrow, and she can also make  use of a variety of pistols, rifles, and shotguns. She is also capable  of upgrading these weapons with crafting material such as salvaged  materials and animal hides. She can also create different ammunition  types for these weapons such as fire arrows, flare rounds, and  concussive shells. A returning addition is useable herbs, which Lara can  use to heal or increase her perception, durability, and aiming time.  While this is par for the course for the reboot trilogy at this point,  there are new additions to the gameplay, in the form of stealth, that  make it even more fun. 

As the title suggests, there is a big emphasis on stealth in the  game. There are times where Lara is outnumbered and outgunned by Trinity  soldiers. The player is offered with a choice of an assault approach or  a sneaky, stealth approach. Going with the latter option proves to be  the more fun and rewarding option as opposed to going in guns blazing.   Lara can hide in brush and stealthily take down enemies with a knife,  like a predator hunting down its prey. Speaking of the Predator, Lara  can also cover herself with mud to camouflage herself. The addition of a  stealth component to the game helps liven up gameplay that has become  somewhat stale at this point.

Plenty of side content to tackle

Image from Steam

Aside from the main story, there is plenty of side content to do in  the game. Challenge tombs make a return where Lara can complete various  different kinds of puzzles in exchange for treasure and different perks.  A new component of the game is the ability to change the difficulty  settings of exploration, combat, and puzzles. This leads to a different  kind of experience depending on which difficulty level each option is  set to. Outside of the main combat, Lara can complete side missions for  civilians for experience points, money, and other rewards. The money can  be spent on the game’s newly introduced barter system where you can buy  new weapons, ammunition, and crafting materials, or sell excess  materials that you have on hand.

Featured image from GameAxis

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