UPDATE: Snowfall prompts officials to close campus

The Daily News

Snow removers try to keep up with falling snow Sunday evening as a winter storm advisory is placed on central Indiana. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP
Snow removers try to keep up with falling snow Sunday evening as a winter storm advisory is placed on central Indiana. DN PHOTO COREY OHLENKAMP

What students say about this morning's campus closing:

Ball State's campus closed Monday morning until 10 a.m. after heavy snowfall blanketed much of Central Indiana.

Associate Vice President for Marketing and Communications Tony Proudfoot said two determining factors in whether campus should close are if the grounds are passable between buildings and if the university has power.

PHOTO GALLERY: March snow at Ball State

"The snow was still coming down pretty hard at the time that we made the decision to close, and the crews just needed a little bit more time to get the campus cleared before classes began," Proudfoot said.

The decision to close campus due to inclement weather is up to Vice President of Business Affairs and Treasurer Randy Howard, Proudfoot said.

Howard makes the decision after consulting President Jo Ann Gora and speaking with the crews responsible for clearing campus.

They make the decision between 4 and 5 a.m., basing it off current weather conditions and if the snow is expected to continue falling throughout the day, Proudfoot said.

Regardless of whether campus is closed or not, Proudfoot said it is ultimately the students' responsibility to decide if they can make it safely to class.

"Everyone is expected and encouraged to put their safety first," Proudfoot said. "We have found that faculty are very accommodating, and in cases when they aren't, there is an appeal process."

Burris Laboratory School was also on a two-hour delay.


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