Fall Alternative Break is taking students to Seymour

At an informational meeting last night, students were told that this year's Fall Alternative Break is taking them to Seymour, Ind., the weekend of Oct. 22.

Students can participate in a weekend getaway to volunteer at SpringHill Camp. Although their summer season is over, participants will help the camp close for the season.

For every Fall and Spring Break, Student Voluntary Services provides an alternative option to give students the opportunity to spend their break volunteering.

"We found there is a want for something different for the student who doesn't want to go home or just want the traditional fall or spring break in general," said Jessica Chandler, graduate assistant at Student Voluntary Services.

A $60 fee is required for participating students. The fee covers food, transportation and housing costs for the weekend. Students will leave Friday morning and return Sunday afternoon.

The volunteer work includes tearing down for the season, cleaning, organizing, painting and landscaping. SpringHill Camp also has a retreat center that will house 300 guests during the weekend. Some students will work in the kitchen to prepare meals for retreat guests.

Five students have signed up so far, and applications are due today at 5 p.m. Students can take their application to either the SVS office or the Student Life office, both of which are located in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.

Between now and Fall Break, students will meet weekly for orientation meetings to get to know one another better and to learn more about their Fall Break destination. Due to housing arrangements, 10 males and 10 females can participate on the trip.

Junior child development major Amanda Mead said she is looking forward to the trip.

"It sounds like a really good volunteer opportunity," she said. "I really hope I get the chance to go."

Those who have applied will find out if they have been chosen Monday.

Chandler said the alternative breaks give students the great volunteer experience.

"The trip gives students the opportunity to immerse themselves and help out a community that isn't necessarily theirs," Chandler said. "Since the Fall Break alternative is smaller than the Spring Break alternative, it is a little more cozy, a little more intimate and it only requires a little bit of service."

Those who are interested in going and have not applied yet can get more information by e-mailing Chandler at jrchandler@bsu.edu.


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