Greek Week ends with pies in faces

The Greek Week Steering Committee ended Greek-elodeon Get Your Slime On with a bang yesterday at Woodworth Lawn.

Double Dare at McKinley Mile challenged participants to the limit with daring combinations of over 20 different condiments. Greek Life teammates randomly choose a mix of two condiments to mix, then eat. If the team member did not try the concoction then they got a pie in the face.

Carson Lance, director of Greek Week Steering Committee, said they were going to use slime instead of pies, but when they found out that its recipe included glue they knew it might be too messy.

Instead, people were pied in the face when they refused to eat the mixture. The competition also included an obstacle course, a pie-in-the-pants contest, and a who-can-eat-more contest. There was also an inflatable tent for people to bounce in thanks to Student Government Association.

Lance said there was a great turn out from dedicated Greek Life chapters.

"It was fantastic because we saw a lot of greek and non-greek students," he said.

Greek Week community service coordinator Austin Gerber said it was a great way to end the week with a low-key event.

"It was the best way to wind down the week," he said. "It brought the community together and unite us and our organizations."


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