SGA serves students through summer

Student Government Association President Asher Lisec spent time this summer working toward her goals for SGA. Lisec and her team have made progress in some issues and met roadblocks in others.


Lisec said she has worked with Transportation Services to create a more reliable shuttle service. SGA conducted a survey during Spring Semester to see what students thought of the current shuttle system and learn what improvements students most wanted.

Starting Fall Semester, shuttle buses will run two routes.

The original route that takes students from the L.A. Pittenger Student Center to Scheidler Apartments will continue to run. An additional path, which Lisec called the express route, will run from the Student Center to LaFollete and return to the Student Center. Ball State will continue to run six buses. Lisec said the university has yet to determine how many buses will run on each route.

Lisec also worked with Transportation Services to allow students to train to become shuttle bus drivers. These student drivers, who must be 21 or more years old, will be able to drive for three-hour shifts.

"The good thing about this is that it will stop the mandatory breaks and lunches, and the shuttle buses will not have to stop as often," Lisec said.


Lisec said she and her cabinet members have been working to create an advertising plan to encourage more involvement in SGA, as well as raise awareness of the organization.

As part of its advertising campaign, SGA has chosen a new slogan: Your BSU, Your Student Government Association.

"We're really targeting the freshmen," she said.

To do this, the executive cabinet is visiting residence halls during

freshman move-in and giving away ice cream at the annual activity fair Aug. 19.


During the summer, Lisec said SGA has been working to get off-campus restaurants to accept Cardinal Cash. SGA has contacted about 50 local businesses.

The problem that has arisen is that local businesses would have to pay a service fee for students to use their student ID cards in off-campus stores, she said.

SGA has also contacted businesses about discounts they would be willing to give students when they present their student IDs.

"We're working on compiling a list and getting a Web site together," Lisec said.


One platform issue Team Lisec will not be able to see through to completion is around the clock library hours.

"The library will not be opening 24-hours in the fall," Lisec said. "This is due to the results we got from the trial run from the spring."

The trial run showed that, other than finals week, most students didn't take advantage of the extra hours Bracken Library was open.

"It's just not economically feasible to keep it open," Lisec said.

The library will stay open 24-hours for finals weeks, though, she said.


Lisec said she is working with O'Neal Smitherman, vice president of information technology, to create a way for students to sign in a single time to access all of the services provided by the Ball State Web site.

Currently, students have to sign in separately to services such as Webmail, Course Planner and Blackboard. Lisec and Smitherman are working on a portal page that students would sign in on to access all online student services from one page. This portal would also offer a new outlet for campus-wide announcements, Lisec said.


As part of its platform, Team Lisec expressed an interest in expanding and improving the Multicultural Center. Lisec said she and her cabinet members have been looking at other universities and preparing a presentation of what SGA would like to see from Ball State's Multicultural Center. However, Lisec said this is one of her long-term goals.

"This is one of those things that is not going to be completed in the year we're in office," she said. "We're laying down the groundwork."

During the SGA campaign during Spring Semester, Team Lisec also supported the creation of more minority scholarships. To follow up on this, SGA offered a scholarship to incoming minority students.

SGA will announce the name of the scholarship winner at the Welcome Week picnic Saturday. The winner of a general SGA scholarship will be announced at the picnic as well.


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