LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Editorial did not speak for all on campus

Dear Editor,


In reference to the editorial of the Aug. 31 issue of the Daily News: I am a student at Ball State University. I sometimes drink. Sometimes I might even “party.” Occasionally, I might even turn my stereo up in my off-campus home.

Yet, incredibly, I am completely for these noise ordinance proposals. “We are young” might explain why we do some irresponsible acts, but “growing up” is the process of learning from our mistakes. If there are no repercussions for our idiocy, then we do not learn to stop such actions. Apparently some people, regardless of their ages, are unable to recognize (yet) that their actions affect other people, sometimes in a negative manner. When said people are negatively affected often enough, they take whatever steps they can to limit their poor behavior.

Everything being done to curb college student poor behavior is legal. If you don’t want them to police you, then I shall borrow a phrase from the often-criticized campaign from two years ago: “Police yourself.”

I have one final comment. Please refrain from the arrogant claim that you (the editors) speak “on behalf of the entire student body.” I am a member of the student body, and you certainly do not represent my view. I am sure I am not the only one.


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