Students take part in mock weddings

Students celebrate National Freedom to Marry Day on campus

As the Spectrum flag waved slowly at Frog Baby Thursday afternoon, students assembled to watch several members of Spectrum say "I do."

Nikki Green and Donnica Barrett were one of several couples who participated in the mock wedding ceremony to celebrate National Freedom to Marry Day.

"It was a good opportunity to fight for gay rights," Green said. "Everyone should be able to get married."

Established in 1998, National Freedom to Marry Day strives "to end sex discrimination in marriage and to allow gay and lesbian couples to share in the celebration, rights and responsibilities of civil marriage," according to

Spectrum decided to host its first mock wedding after learning that a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage was proposed in late January by the majority of the Indiana House of Representatives. Spectrum serves as Ball State's gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied student association whose mission is to provide a safe place for students of all gender orientations to create a network of support.

Zachary Davis, Spectrum's internal vice president, said he was proud that Thursday's mock wedding provided the association with a creative means to advocate gay marriage rights on the Ball State campus.

"It doesn't matter who gets married," Davis said. "Marriage is all about love and commitment, and the (mock wedding) was a good way to show that."

Davis, who facilitated Thursday's wedding ceremony, read the couples their vows as each stood together, holding hands and carrying red and white flowers.

After the couples accepted their vows, several embraced each other as they tossed bird seeds in the air to celebrate their matrimony.

Green said she was glad to participate in Thursday's mock wedding and hopes it will continue to inspire students to honor National Freedom to Marry Day.

"Students should really support this," Green said. "It's time to break the traditional view of the traditional family."

Junior Indiana Academy student Sydney Eastern said she enjoyed attending the mock wedding Thursday and said the event was a perfect demonstration of Spectrum's devotion to gay rights.

Spectrum will continue to advocate gay marriage as long as it is necessary, she said.

"The mock wedding is proof that people who support gay rights are not going to (be satisfied) with just the common union," Eastern said.

To continue its advocacy on campus, Spectrum plans to hold several other events this semester including a drag show and a theatrical venue that will be similar to the Chamber of Hatred held in January, Davis said. Spectrum will also sponsor keynote speakers and dancers who will base their presentations on marriage and the family.

The activities will take place during Spectrum's annual week of events, which will be held April 19-24.

Davis said he encourages students of all gender orientations to continue supporting Spectrum events this semester and hopes more students will attend the mock wedding Spectrum is planning for next year.

Spectrum is doing a good job remaining proactive on campus to promote equality for people of all gender orientations, he said.

"The events are a good way of showing that Spectrum is here for everybody," Davis said. "And it shows that we care about getting our point across."


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