LETTER: McKinney family must seek justice

Dear Editor,

My heart goes out to the McKinney family as the appalling, yet expected decision was announced clearing officer Rob Duplain of any wrongdoing whatsoever. I think we all knew this would be the outcome, as many other questionable actions by law enforcement in our town have also been excused in the past. I am not surprised, but very disturbed. We all know the circumstances by heart by now and have exchanged differing views to the point of every conceivable angle, but this simple fact remains: This officer was not "attacked" nor harmed in any way prior to firing four bullets into this young student at nearly point-blank range. I think any intelligent human being knows that the truth is he panicked, and that is not the type of officer I want out there with a lethal weapon. This was not a situation that required a "shoot-to-kill" reaction. Michael should be here, yes, facing charges, and possibly wounded, but not dead. I know opinions will go back and forth again on all the issues of policy, scope of authority, training, justification, public intoxication, blame, etc. It is just plain wrong.

I think the McKinney family will never get justice until an investigation is done outside Delaware County. I hope this community will support any further actions this family can take and continue to speak out, write letters and do anything else that will someday soon help them get proper justice for their son's wrongful death. All they received was a "brief note" announcing the end of the investigation. How pathetic.

Sue HarmonFaculty


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