Lauren Clark

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Courtney Williams, third-grade teacher at East Washington Academy, teaches her students how to use an anemometer April 19, 2021. East Washington Academy is one of six public elementary schools in the Muncie Community Schools district. A recent Ball State study found more students were transferring into public schools as a result of school choice options than to private schools. Jaden Whiteman, DN File

Ball State study: School choice in Indiana leads to $88 million in savings on education spending in 2019-20

Dagney Faulk, Ball State director of research in the Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER), and Michael Hicks, George and Frances Ball distinguished professor of economics and CBER director, recently published a study about school choice leading to $88 million in savings for the State of Indiana in the 2019-20 school year — about 1 percent of the state’s annual general fund spending on education.

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