Zombies take over campus for charity walk

Any other day this week, it would be startling to see a bloody girl in the Quad gleefully putting woodchips in her hair. But on Saturday, it was an encouraging sight for organizers of the Muncie Zombie Walk, wherein dozens of all ages embraced the stuff of their nightmares.


19 people shot overnight in Chicago

CHICAGO (AP) - Police say 13 people were shot and wounded in a 30-minute spate of violence in Chicago, including eight gunned down on a single street.


Killer of 77 Norwegians imprisoned

A Norwegian court sentenced Anders Behring Breivik to prison on Friday, denying prosecutors the insanity ruling they hoped would show that his massacre of 77 people was the work of a madman, not part of an anti-Muslim crusade.


Gunman kills 1, wounds 9 at Empire State Building

A disgruntled laid-off women's accessories designer shot a former co-worker to death in front of the Empire State Building, causing a chaotic showdown with police in front of one of the world's best-known landmarks. Police killed the suspect and at least nine others were wounded, some possibly by police gunfire, city officials said.


FDA names Ind. farm tied to salmonella in melons

A farmer whose cantaloupes have been linked to a deadly salmonella outbreak says he voluntarily ceased production and has had no other problems at his southern Indiana farm since it began operating in 1982.


Lance Armstrong won't fight doping charges

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Lance Armstrong says he will stop fighting a barrage of drug charges from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, putting at risk his unparalleled string of seven Tour de France titles and his legacy as one of the greatest sportsmen in history.


Long lines seen all week at financial aid office

During the first week of classes, many students are already feeling the stress by having to face long lines at the financial aid office with only two desks available to handle the high numbers.

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