South Park Season 21, Episode 9: “Super Hard PCness”

“Super Hard PCness” is one of season 21’s best episodes yet. It has a lot to offer people watching their first season of "South Park" but even more for those who have been with the show since the beginning. With plenty of allusions to the past and great commentary on what’s going on in the present, this episode is one that surely should not be missed.


What you should watch for Chanukah this year

Even if the movie or special isn’t great, in the end it feels good to be acknowledged in a media landscape that largely ignores the Jewish faith. To help you deal with that suppressed Chanukah fever, we’ve compiled a nifty little list of some Chanukah goodness…or badness…to watch this year while eating latkes and playing dreidel. 


‘Marvel’s The Punisher’ is a powerful story about an anti-hero looking for justice

'Marvel’s The Punisher' on Netflix is a smart addition to all of the other Marvel shows on the streaming service. The show is elevated by strong performances from both Bernthal and the supporting cast. While its approach to tackling political issues might get heavy-handed at times, it deserves a pat on the back for trying. Also, while some of the supporting characters don’t get as much development as they needed like some of the other characters, the show never completely goes off the road into absurdity. It succeeds with a stellar first season that manages to feel standalone from the other Marvel shows on Netflix.


The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 6: “The King, the Widow, and Rick”

“The King, The Widow, and Rick” has a lot of different subplots, but none of them really make much progress. Many ideas and future plot points are thrown out there, but we’ll have to wait for the result of those. While not the worst episode by any means, it could have benefitted a little more by having less perspectives than it does. Overall a solid episode that lays down a lot of groundwork.


Musings from Moorman: What Christmastime truly means

 I was walking back from the library late; it was well past midnight. I was listening to some unconventional Christmas music titled “O Magnum Mysterium.” It was a song I played in high school band. A rendition by the Nordic Chamber Choir echoed through my earbuds in the dead of night.  


The surprises and shoe-ins of the 2018 Grammy nominees

All things considered, the pool of nominations for this year’s awards are the best they’ve been in a long time. Even though the Grammys are trying really hard to make Record of the Year their top prize, most people still have their eyes on Album of the Year, and this year’s choices for the gold are stacked.


These games really exist

Now as long as the gaming industry exists many more weird games will and the only thing that we the people can do is play them, question reality, and then go seek some form of mental help.


Pixar’s tired formula is given new life in ‘Coco’

‘Coco’ looks fantastic and can be extremely heartfelt at times. The colors are bright and welcoming and the plot is easy to follow. However, there is not too much newness in regards to the plot and the “twist” is easy to spot from a mile away. Because of the beautiful animation and charming characters, these narrative faults are easy to ignore. Overall, the film is a must-see for Pixar fans or anyone who appreciates animated films.


‘Star Wars: Battlefront II’ is a fun experience ruined by corporate greed

‘Star Wars: Battlefront II’ is a fun experience bogged down in an undesirable progression system with pay-to-win aspects. The campaign struggles from a disjointed narrative that plays it safe, but has epic gameplay that immerses you in the Star Wars universe. Starfighter Assault in particular is a hidden gem among the other traditional, but still entertaining, game modes.

Kaiti Sullivan, DN

Finding Beneficence: For Love of Country

Between the times of 6:32 and 6:49 a.m. on Wednesday, President Donald Trump retweeted three videos depicting possible Muslim aggression. One of which involved the beatings and possible murders of two individuals.  


‘Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon’: A tropical copy-and-paste job

'Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon' do very little to distinguish themselves from their predecessors. For a game that came out a year after Sun and Moon, not enough has been done to rectify the many problems with the previous entries. Many areas still feel extremely linear with little in the way of exploration. There are too many cutscenes. Your character is a side character in Lillie’s story. Those who’ve played Sun and Moon can safely wait until the next game arrives on the Switch, but newcomers to Alola should consider 'Ultra Sun and Moon' the definitive games of Pokemon’s seventh generation.


The Walking Dead Season 8, Episode 5: “The Big Scary U”

“The Big Scary U” shows a fantastic new side to Negan, turning a mediocre but entertaining character into a genuinely good character some may find themselves rooting for. Yet the same can’t be said for the rest of the Saviors who show a whole new level of incompetence, making a large portion of the episode almost unbearable to watch. Rick and Daryl’s differences finally come to a head with underwhelming results. Overall, the story as a whole serves to enhance the character of Negan, but not much else.


Adult-ish: A Nashville Thanksgiving

 We found ourselves nestled into a Super 8 on the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee next door to an all night jazz club that wasn’t going to stop playing music until 3 in the morning. This wasn’t how my mom and I expected to be spending Thanksgiving break together, but we were thankful for a place to sleep and time to spend together.  


Superhero fatigue: it’s not what you think it is

Has the public finally given into superhero fatigue or is it all a lie? Looking at it, I don’t think it’s superhero movies that have the problem. In fact, superhero movies are the exception considering how well they do. The problem isn't from with superheroes, but with Hollywood itself.

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