State bill stresses degree plans, could mean some free classes

A recent state bill could require state universities to offer free classes for some students in order to improve four-year graduation rates. Under House Bill 1348, Ball State would have to provide students a class without charge when they are unable to register for the class needed to graduate in four years. There are stipulations for the opportunity of a free class, however. The class in question must be offered at the same time as another class required under the degree plan, already full or not offered.

Seven students attended a meeting Jan. 15 to speak to the Board of Trustees about the search for a new Ball State president. Wayne Estopinal, leader of the search committee, said the feedback from the small group was helpful. DN PHOTO RACHEL PODNAR

Seven students take part in forum, offering opinion on president search

A total of seven students seized the opportunity to offer opinions Wednesday regarding the search for a new university president. The students spoke to the Board of Trustees and school administrators during the one-hour meeting, sharing their opinions as a representation of the student body. Wayne Estopinal, leader of Ball State’s search committee and a board member, said they received good feedback despite the low numbers.


Health Center fills two positions, looks to add another

Administrators have hired two people at the Amelia T. Wood Health Center, and they are still looking for a third. On Feb. 24, Amy Fong will begin work as a physician, filling a position that opened after Ball State received approval for a new hire to balance the ratio of students to medical directors, staff physicians and nurse practitioners.


Search committee members outnumbers students in presidential forum

Students were able to speak their mind today on the search for a new university president. Seven students attended the presidential search student forum in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Cardinal Hall. They spoke to the Board of Trustees and school administrators during the one-hour meeting, sharing their opinions as a representation the student body.


H1N1 returns to Indiana, Health Center out of vaccines

*Symptoms of the flu include: * Chills Muscle ache Headache Fever Cough and sore throat Methods to prevent the spread of the flu: Wash your hands often Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Make nutrition and sleep a priority Manage stress Stay active Sources: Indiana State Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Studies point to learning inefficiency in e-textbooks

• University program automatically charges students for e-textbook. • Studies show students learn better with traditional books. • Official says paper books offer “fundamental properties” for learning. The e-textbook program Ball State officially adopted this semester to lower the cost of textbooks may not be the most efficient way to learn, according to some studies.

Blake Taylor poses with his girlfriend, Sara Pecina. Taylor died in January 2013 after his car rolled over into a ditch filled with flood water. PHOTO PROVIDED BY SARA PECINA

'It never gets easier'

Crashing noises and then eight seconds of silence ended Sara Pecina’s final conversation with her boyfriend. Pecina and then freshman pre-business major Blake Taylor tried to talk on the phone every day to make their long distance relationship work. This included Jan. 13, 2013, when Taylor was driving back to Muncie after spending the weekend with his dad. He was talking to Pecina through headphones. Forty-five minutes into their conversation, Taylor’s car hydroplaned off the road, landing upside down in a ditch that was filled with flood water.

Ryan Penneau looks at the crowd during his Take Back College presentation Monday at Pruis Hall. Penneau

Campus speaker brings high energy to engage students for success

There are many motivations for going to college, but they should all lead to an intentional university experience, said a speaker on campus. College speaker Ryan Penneau visited Ball State on Monday to give his “Take Back College” presentation, which focused on motivating student’s to take advantage of their time in school to benefit their life after graduation. The main point that Penneau wanted students to take away from his presentation was “to have an intentional college experience.” Penneau’s high-energy method of speaking pushed the crowd to be enthusiastic about changing their attitudes about college.


Trustee president announces retirement plans

Hollis Hughes has stepped down as president of the Board of Trustees for Ball State after three years in the position, but will remain a trustee for two more years to fulfill is term. Hughes called his last three years the “opportunity of a lifetime.” He has served on the board for 25 years- as a member in 1989, as secretary in 2006 and as president in 2011.


Cold weather leads to pipe problems

Sections of two residence halls faced repairs after freezing temperatures caused pipes to burst Thursday. Studebaker West Complex and Kinghorn Hall are still in need of some repairs after the winter storm.


Trustees vote to increase room and board annual increase rate

Ball State’s Board of Trustees voted today to increase the cost of room and board for students not on the Premium Plan. Room and board rates have increased about 3 percent annually for the past five years, according to a university press release. The board voted for those rates to rise to 3.9 percent annually.


Temperatures and rain could lead to minor flooding

As the temperature starts to warm up and snow melts this weekend, Ball State may experience minor flooding. Dave Call, an assistant meteorology professor, said low-lying places that normally experience excess water due to heavy rainstorms may flood this weekend. The National Weather Service predicted a high of about 44 degrees Saturday. Call said this is warmer than the temperatures Muncie has been experiencing, but it isn’t high enough above the freezing point to anticipate widespread flooding.

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