The Ball State Board of Trustees in between committee meetings Dec. 15 at the Student Center. The board will meet again Jan. 24, 2024. Daniel Kehn, DN

Momper honored as trustee emeritus

It marked the end of a 16-year stint on the board for the Fort Wayne resident. His time saw three separate Indiana Governors and achievements like a new geothermal heating and cooling system, launching the village revitalization project and selecting the university’s 17th president, Geoffrey Mearns in 2017, where Momper chaired the search committee. “Wow, I’ve been thinking about this day for a long time,” Momper said. “It’s really an honor to serve on this board the last 16 years… it was a lot of hard work, as you all know, but it was so fulfilling, the opportunity to work with you, my fellow trustees, and all you, the Ball State family. It’s just unbelievable. It’s [an opportunity] I’ll never forget.”


University officials will determine tuition increase after commission meeting

Ball State university officials are leery to comment on how the funding cuts for Indiana state universities will potentially affect next year's tuition.Director of Communications Kevin Burke said the university should have a better understanding of how the funding cuts could affect tuition after the Higher Education Commission's meeting Friday at IUPUI.


University officials will determine tuition increase after commision meeting

Ball State university officials are leery to comment on how the funding cuts for Indiana state universities will potentially affect next year's tuition.Director of Communications Kevin Burke said the university should have a better understanding of how the funding cuts could affect tuition after the Higher Education Commission's meeting Friday at IUPUI.


President Gora to strengthen Chinese-American dual degree program

President Jo Ann Gora will host meetings with other university professors next week to discuss strengthening a dual degree program for Chinese students.This 1+2+1 program allows bilingual Chinese students to earn two bachelor degrees from universities in China and America. Students study in China the first year, in America the second and third, and in China again for their last year.


Committee motions to change Fall Semester breaks

The University Education Committee approved a motion to alter the Fall Semester academic calendar by extending what is now Thanksgiving Break and eliminating what are now Fall Break and Fruesday, Laura Helms, associate dean and director of academic systems for University College, said.The motion, which was approved Tuesday, must still be approved by Faculty Council, University Senate and the Ball State University Board of Trustees in order to be implemented, she said.


Committee motions to extend Thanksgiving Break in future years

The University Education Committee approved a motion to alter the Fall Semester academic calendar by extending what is now Thanksgiving Break and eliminating what is now Fall Break and Fruesday, said Laura Helms, associate dean and director of academic systems for University College.


Ball State gives 'Extreme' scholarships

Ball State University is providing four fully-paid scholarships for the children of Andy and Heather Cowan-Brown – the family being featured on the "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" episode filmed in Bunker Hill, Ind. Oct. 21-28.Andy and Heather are factory workers who have struggled to raise their four children. The children – Ryan, Trevor, Kori, and Mason – are 16, 13, 12 and 8, respectively, said Tony Proudfoot, associate vice president for University Marketing and Communications.


University Senate discusses Fruesday, smoking ban

Monday morning, the University Senate Agenda Committee discussed reforms that will affect student life.The committee talked about doing away with Fruesday classes, using Cardinal Cash in the Village and possibly banning on-campus smoking.


University Senate cancels October meetings

The University Senate and University Council canceled their October meetings, but that doesn't mean they're not doing anything.Brien Smith, Chairperson of the Department of Marketing and Management, said fall is a time to reconvene and elect officers.

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