Members of the Apathy Wizards Matt Kassner, Thor Goodman, Weston Morgan and C.D. Tolbert perform one of their songs during a rehearsal on Sept. 8. Apathy Wizards will play at Be Here Now at 9 p.m. Saturday for Muncie MusicFest. DN PHOTO ROTH LOVINS

Local band give fans more shows after summer long hiatus

Thor Goodman cannot stand still. Squeezed into a small living room, his eyes stay focused on the wall in front of him as he stomps the carpet and wires under his feet. His bandmates surround him, matching his level of excitement, crammed onto the small section of floor space.


A look at SGA's budget

Student Government Association passed its budget last week, allocating how it will spend its funding of roughly $91,000 throughout the year.


Existentia Academica

Austin Russell draws “Existentia Academica” comics for the Daily News. His views and opinions don’t necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Austin at or follow him on Twitter @arussthebus.

Future SGA President Chloe Anagnos participates in a press conference on Sept. 4 in the Office of Student Life. Anagnos will be inducted today at 3:15 p.m. DN FILE PHOTO TAYLOR IRBY

Get to know the SGA president being sworn in Wednesday

The former vice president of Student Government Association finally had time to calm down after last week’s whirlwind, which resulted in her unexpected ascent to SGA’s presidential role. Chloe Anagnos, a junior, said the feeling of being student body president and representing students is humbling.

Carmen Diaz, a senior social work major, listens to a victim’s story at the Suicide Awareness Candlelight Vigil on Sept. 10th. The vigil honored victims and survivors of suicide and those with depression. DN PHOTO EMMA ROGERS

Candlelight vigil brings National Suicide Prevention Week to Ball State

Brandon Puszkiewicz recited a loved one’s name and lit a candle on the University Green to honor someone that he lost to suicide. Puszkiewicz, The Alive Campaign vice president of public relations, and many others sat in a circle with blue ribbons that represent suicide awareness and wrote “love” on their arms to raise awareness.

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