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Hot Takes

Featured Image by Serena Rubin

Artist of the Month: Imani

Calling all music lovers! If you are looking for an eccentric sound among the wave of alternative pop and R&B in the Muncie area, look no further than April’s Artist of the Month: Imani. 

Featured Image from IMDb

A Deep Dive into Rey Skywalker's Character Arc

The Star Wars sequel trilogy is a major point of contention for many people myself included. I can go on and on about the many problems littered throughout: abysmal world building, clumsy storylines, the imaginary tug-of-war between J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson, etc. Thankfully, this article will not dwell on those things. Instead I am going to center my attention on the focal point of this trilogy—Rey Skywalker. While I have great issues with how Rey’s family was handled, I find her overall arc to be fascinating, especially when I consider the elements of it that actually work.
