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How It's Played S4E6 - Blizzard Gets in Hot Water

[embed]https://soundcloud.com/user-519363288/how-its-played-s4e6-blizzard-gets-in-hot-water[/embed] Welcome to this week's episode of How It's Played! This week, we'll be discussing the recent controversy surrounding Blizzard's banning of one of their pro Hearthstone players. Did Blizzard ban the player because of China's influence? Was Blizzard just in applying the rules in this case? Find out all of this and more on this week's episode of How It's Played! Hosted by: Eli Sokeland, Tanner Kinney, Shwetha Sundarrajan Edited by: Kellyn Harrison Graphic by: Daley Wilhelm Thumbnail by: Katy Szpak


