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Fortnite Ending Social Lives, South Korea and Lootboxes, YouTube Kids | Pop Tabs

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwxYuaWUC0k[/embed] This week on Pop Tabs Matt, Tt, and Dylan discuss Fortnite destroying social lives, South Korea cracking down on lootboxes, and YouTube's unknown kids app. Time Stamps: Lootboxes: 00:27 YouTube Kids: 16:22 Fortnite: 33:18 Pop Tabs is Byte's news commentary podcast, focusing on popular culture and how it relates to issues in the media world. Host: Matthew Yapp Guests: Tt Shinkan, Dylan Bateson Post Production: Dylan Bateson Graphics: Daley Wilhelm, Sarah James, Luis Pulido Music: Jack McGinnis

