His Place Eatery serves up a new method of feeding customers

The Coronavirus or COVID-19 has become a global pandemic affecting families and businesses.

Recently Governor Eric Holcomb announced all restaurants, bars, and nightclubs to close for dine-in customers.

With restaurant’s and other dine-in places making these adjustments, James Jones wanted to take a different approach.

“In order to give people an idea of the social distance that needs to take place we allow people to come in and place an order and then we run the order to the car to minimize the number of guests inside.”

Jones is the Owner of His Place Eatery is located on the eastside of Indianapolis and has been in business for more than ten years.

Customers say the restaurant is known for its southern styled chicken and waffles, ribs and soul food.

With COVID-19 changing the dine-in experience, Jones decided to change the experience of how customers also get their food.

“We placed blue marks on the floor and counter so it indicates where customers can stand so that in the event we have six customers in at the same time, everyone is spaced at least six feet apart. And we did this basically to give an indication on where they need to be and so that they feel safe.

Customers are not just limited to placing orders inside the restaurant.

His Place Eatery now offers a way for customers to place orders from their own vehicle and wait for their order to be brought to their cars.

They ask that you give your first and last name, the type of vehicle, and the color of the vehicle.

Once your food is delivered to you, you will then pay from the comfort of your vehicle.

Jones says that these changes will lead to more lessons about running a restaurant.

“We have learned to be a lot more efficient with this. The other is that as a business owner you learn to work with less. So right now we are learning to work with less people, less resources. As a business owner you hope to take those lessons and move them into your regular business once everything is back open.”

For now, Jones and his team hope that their carryout methods continue to help their business stay afloat.

For more information on hours or other locations, you can visit their website at hisplaceeatery.com or call 317-545-4890


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