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What would happen with a live-action 'Undertale'?

by Katherine Simon If there’s one thing video game enthusiasts can agree on, it’s that live-action film adaptations of video games are usually pretty bad.  While there are a few stand-out exceptions such as Detective Pikachu and the Ace Attorney movies, the bad examples vastly overshadow the few gems in the rough. Whether it be the hilariously awful Super Mario Bros. Movie or the 70 billion Resident Evil movies that keep getting made for some reason, video game movies are notorious for their low quality and complete disregard for what makes the source material work. With the infamous Sonic movie being on the horizon and a live action Monster Hunter movie that has nothing to do with the source material being in production, this trend does not seem to be dying anytime soon.  While we’re on this dark timeline, let’s take a moment to think about what it’d be like if Undertale got the Hollywood treatment. While Toby Fox has yet to sell out his critical darling to the hands of Hollywood yet, I’d like to take a moment to think about what kind of disaster a live-action adaptation would be like.

Frisk - Finn Wolfhard

Image from IMdb
Stranger Things IT (2019)

Flowey - Nicolas Cage

Image from IMDb

Toriel - Kiera Knightly

Image from IMDb
Nutcracker and the Four Realms Pirates of the Caribbean Pride and Prejudice Undertale

Sans - Danny DeVito

Image from IMDb
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Undertale Smash

Papyrus - Adam Sandler

Image from IMDb

Undyne - Tessa Thompson

Image from IMDb

Alphys - Mark Ruffalo

Image from IMDb

Mettaton - Ryan Reynolds

Image from IMDb

Asgore - Jack Black

Image from IMDb
Undertale He’s been shown jamming out to “Megalovania” in one of his videos seen wearing a Sans shirt once
Polygon Esquire

