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'Carnival Row' is a horrifying house of mirrors

by Cali Stella Screenwriters Travis Beacham and René Echevarria of Pacific Rim and Star Trek : The Next Generation fame, brought the new TV show Carnival Row to Amazon Prime on August 30th. Carnival Row is a fantasy brought to life by nothing other than brilliance. Told through a story of war, romance, and a fight for equality, the viewers follow the lives of mythical creatures and how their struggles relate to our world today. Carnival Row follows the story of Inspector Rycroft Philostrate, otherwise known as Philo, as he solves the murder of citizens in the Burge. To my surprise, a multitude of real-life issues plague the created universe. The previews led me to believe I would follow a murder mystery, but as it unfolded, it became a cross between a murder mystery and the consequences of white male privilege. The political message ultimately overshadowed the minuscule romantic moments of the promised dangerous Victorian love affair.

The colorless carnival

Image from IMDb

There’s nothing mythical about reality

Image from IMDb
Carnival Row in an interview with The Verge

A revolving door of antagonists

Image from IMDb
Carnival Row


