Cold and Moderate Winds

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team
Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

Tonight: Tonight will be another cool night with winds ranging from 5-10 miles per hour from the Northeast. Precipitation chances are low, but still a possibility for tonight. Be prepared for around a 20% chance of rain/snow tonight after 5 pm this evening. 

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

Tomorrow: Temperatures will jump up to nearly 42 degrees and have calmer winds at about 5 mph. Mostly sunny skies and increased temperatures will be a welcome change to start off spring break for a lot of us. A pretty good day for any traveling you might need to do. 

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

7-Day forecast: This next week we will have a mixed exchange of sunny and cloudy days. Sunday has an 80% chance of snow and a high of 29. Following this Sunday temperatures will drop down below twenty for Monday and Tuesday and increase once again on Wednesday. If you are traveling in the area for Sunday drive safely and plan your drive accordingly to the weather. 

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team


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