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Taylor Swift to release new single tomorrow, full album mid-November

by Emily Reuben Announced earlier today, pop sensation Taylor Swift is releasing a single from her newest album this Thursday night. Swift first dropped clues on her social media pages, featuring videos of CGI crafted snakes, possibly referencing the #TaylorSwiftIsaSnake hashtag that began circulating on Twitter during the summer of 2016 as a result of tension between Swift and other celebrities.

Despite the mixed reputation the singer has acquired amongst audiences and fellow celebrities, the young artist has recently been the center of the spotlight due to the allegations made against her by David Mueller, the former host of KYGO. Mueller claims that Swift, her mother, and radio promotions director are responsible for his job termination. He alleges that because Swift and those listed above reported Mueller had inappropriately touched her during a 2013 photo shoot he had lost his position. The lawsuit Mueller filed against Swift amounted to $3 million. As a result, Taylor Swift countersued and stated she would donate money gained from her countersuit to organizations who aid women who have been victims of sexual assault. In the end, the jury ruled in favor of Swift as there appeared to be no clear evidence that Swift intended to have Mueller fired after her report to his superior. The case catapulted Taylor Swift onto various Facebook timelines and Twitter feeds as fans and supporters supported the singer’s handling of the situation and bringing more public awareness to sexual assault. Her sixth album titled Reputation will be releasing on November 10th.

Sources: CNN, CNN, MSN Entertainment Images: Twitter, Twitter, Instagram

