Tabletop Gaming Guild celebrates one year, looking to expand

<p>Students in&nbsp;Ball State's Tabletop Gaming Guild meet at 8 p.m. every Wednesday in Bracken Library to enjoy themselves, socialize and play games not easily found on store shelves.&nbsp;The group enjoys playing games such as "Werewolf," "Sentinels," and other games of any type.&nbsp;<i style="background-color: initial;">Tabletop Gaming Guild Facebook // Photo Courtesy</i></p>

Students in Ball State's Tabletop Gaming Guild meet at 8 p.m. every Wednesday in Bracken Library to enjoy themselves, socialize and play games not easily found on store shelves. The group enjoys playing games such as "Werewolf," "Sentinels," and other games of any type. Tabletop Gaming Guild Facebook // Photo Courtesy

The Tabletop Gaming Guild is still new and is looking to continue on. If interested, players can meet the guild at 8 p.m. every Wednesday in Bracken Library Room 201.

To some, a board game may seem like just an old thing that sits collecting dust, something that was once a favorite among bored children. But to a few students on campus, that is not the case.

One year ago, the Tabletop Gaming Guild was formed by Matthew Turner and a few of his friends. The group banded together to make a space for students to enjoy themselves, socialize and play games that are not easily found on a store shelf.

“We use it as a fun way to get everyone into the game playing mindset, as well as a good way for everyone to catch up with their friends.,” Turner said. 

In addition to being co-founder, he is also president of Tabletop Gaming Guild.

The group enjoys playing games such as "Werewolf," "Sentinels," and other games of any type. 

The club has a large selection of games already donated by the members, but is open to others giving suggestions for games they want to play.

“The biggest reason we formed the club is because board game people are typically antisocial and we wanted a space for them to get together and enjoy their hobby,” Turner said.

 A large focus of the group is to provide an area for people to gather and socialize with other students who have similar interests.

The group is looking for new members and to let people know who they are. "Our goal is not to just have people play games, but to show people how fun board games can be while creating an inclusive environment," said Caleb Woods, the group's treasurer. 

“We want people to feel comfortable when they’re here," Woods said. 

The group has a monthly event where members are encouraged to invite female members or friends to break the stigma that it is a guys' hobby. The club has increased it female membership due to this event. They are looking forward to increasing membership, both male and female, this semester. 

“If the stars line up right for us, we might have a great semester," Woods said. 


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