DINNER FOR 2ISH: Lemon-garlic asparagus

Editor's Note: Emma Rogers and Tyson Bird are senior journalism majors who write "Dinner for 2ish" for the Daily News. Their views do not necessarily agree with those of the paper.

We started cooking together in the summer of 2015 and have planned and cooked a dinner every week since. Our recipes are often inspired by the New York Times’ cooking website but are adapted to fit Muncie availability and a college budget. If you're like us, you are probably looking forward to some much-needed downtime the next three weeks. This incredibly simple side-dish is a great way to stick to your New Year's resolutions and try something new!

Lemon-garlic asparagus


  • 10-12 asparagus spears
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Cut the bottom of the stalks off, about half an inch from the end. This will allow for more even cooking.
  2. Zest the lemon, but keep the fruit around. You will need the juice later.
  3. In a large, flat dish (or plate), cover the asparagus with lemon zest and the minced garlic. 
  4. Cover with all juice from the lemon and the olive oil.
  5. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. You want the heat pretty high when the asparagus goes in, so start this now.
  6. Mix the asparagus with the toppings, sprinkling with salt and pepper to taste. 
  7. Cook for about five minutes per side, until the asparagus is tender but not floppy.


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