Internet reacts negatively to Fine Bros.

In an announcement video for a new partnership deal, React World, which was meant to highlight how far the entertainment duo Benny and Rafi Fine, the Fine Bros, have come since their YouTube channel’s inception back in 2007, the brothers incurred the wrath of the thousands online.

The uproar began shortly after the Fine Bros announced their plan to license out their REACT video series, which would allow aspiring content creators to use their brand and format for 50 percent of the monetization rights on YouTube. The broad terminology used in the announcement video instantly caused rumors and stories of users having their videos taken down by the Fine Bros in the past. This coupled with months plagued with horror stories where many well-known YouTube channels were shut down unfairly, caused the outrage to spill out all over Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube itself.


In their update video the duo also state  "You could start [a restaurant] on your own and possibly find huge success, but if you love Burger King and want to be part of that organization, if you joined you'd be able to get access to things like menu items and recipes and specific logos and promotional support. It's the same kind of things with React World: you can join... or make your own reaction videos completely without us." The description in the update video also promises to work out all Content ID issues by the end of the week so those who had their videos removed will be able to restore them to their channel.



Source: Youtube


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