Muncie sees round 2 of snow for 2016

<p>Through the night of Jan. 19 into the morning of Jan. 20&nbsp;Muncie received three more inches of snow. &nbsp;<i style="background-color: initial;">DN PHOTO CASEY SMITH</i></p>

Through the night of Jan. 19 into the morning of Jan. 20 Muncie received three more inches of snow.  DN PHOTO CASEY SMITH

To help clear roads, 14 trucks from Muncie’s Street Department were out this morning beginning at 7 a.m.

In preparation for the snow, the city prepared the road four days ago with a unique mix of material.

When there isn’t much snowfall, city workers apply a mixture of salt and other chemicals to help melt ice and keep roads clear. The material — when combined with warm temperatures — helps melt and loosen snow for plowing later on.

While larger plows were not brought out for this round of snow, Phil Regaon, Muncie sanitary superintendent, said the Street Department handles smaller snowfalls.

“We only plow if we get four inches or more in one storm,” Reagon said. “The Street Department does the bulk of plowing for days like this.”

City snow removers weren’t alone, as local contractors were on the roads before some city trucks made it out.

“I plow snow part-time during the winter months,” said Adam Brink, an independent Muncie snow removal contractor. “I’ve got a truck and a plow, so I’m willing to do what I can to help clear roads and make a couple bucks while I can.”

Brink said his personal snow plow can push up to a foot of snowfall, and while he wasn’t dropping salt on any of the roads he was driving on Jan. 20, he frequently goes down local roads to help drivers.

“I usually drop salt on the neighborhood roads and the driveways I plow, but I figured I wouldn’t need to today,” Brink said. “The city guys are out here doing a great job — I don’t want to leave them without any work.”

By 7 a.m., Brink said he had already helped two vehicles that slid off the road.

“Even a couple inches can be dangerous out here, that’s why I’m out here to help,” he said.

City crews are expected to move from main roads and into local, neighborhood streets throughout the day.

Forecasters from the National Weather Service have called for higher temperatures, but still below freezing until Jan. 24, with chances for more snow beginning on Jan. 25.


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