New 'Deadpool' comic to be released alongside movie


Deadpool and the Mercs for Money will be an upcoming five-issue series from Uncanny X-Men writer Cullen Bunn and artist Salva Espin. In it, Deadpool will reportedly face off against 12 of Marvel's biggest villains.

According to Bunn in an interview with IGN, the comic is:

“The Dirty Dozen and The Expendables if Deadpool was in charge instead of Lee Marvin or Sylvester Stallone. Its Saving Private Ryan if, instead of rescuing a soldier, they were trying to make a metric ton of cash.” Deadpool’s team of hired mercenaries goes up against “Lord Deathstrike, and the Crazy Gang, and Taskmaster, and Deadpool’s sorta undead nemesis, Evil Deadpool.”

The release of the mini-series is set for February 2016, as is the film starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with a Mouth.


Source: Polygon, IGN

Image: IGN


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