New Students to take course for Title IX Act

Incoming students will now be required to take an online course to learn about sexual violence. 

The program was implemented to comply with the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act, which is a new act under Title IX. 

The Campus SaVE Act states that universities must educate new students about rape, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking, according to 

Katie Slabaugh, Title IX coordinator for the university, said it was important to have a campus climate where students are aware of the ideas this course teaches. 

“That way they’re safe, and they’re thinking about these things,” Slabaugh said. “They can understand the risk and try to make as good of choices as they possibly can.”

The course also goes over school policies regarding sexual harassment and violence, the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and what the definitions of consent, sexual assault and domestic violence are. 

She said the class touches on important themes that are good for students to know. 

“It’s a harm-prevention program,” Slabaugh said. “We’re trying to intercept students as they’re entering college and experiencing some of these new things for the first time.” 

The course is already available to students, and Slabaugh said they have had positive feedback from it.

“[Students] said ... they learned a lot and that this had real life, real time college student themes woven into it,” she said. “It was an engaging exercise for them, and they said they learned a lot.”


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