Take a sip when: spring cleaning

Take one drink when…
You find an empty bottle of water, Gatorade, vodka etc.
You pick up an article of clothing from the ground.
You find something you didn’t know you owned.
You send a snapchat of the mess.
You search for a “cleaning” playlist on 8tracks.

Take two drinks when…
You get distracted and stop cleaning.
You have to reward yourself with food for being productive.
You find an unopened book for a class you’re currently in.
You can’t distinguish which clothes are clean and which are dirty.
You think of all the other things you could be doing.

Take three drinks when…
You find an article of clothing you haven’t worn in years.
You watch Netflix instead of cleaning.
You tweet or post something about spring cleaning.
You find last week’s unfinished dinner.
You can finally see the floor.

Finish your drink when…
You actually finish your spring cleaning.
