Four lifehacks to save time

1. Drink more water 

Since your brain is mostly made up of water, you’ll think more clearly the more you drink. Also, drinking a large glass of H2O in the morning will give you an energy boost. By drinking plenty of water, you’ll feel less sluggish and more focused, able to accomplish what you need to do. Skip the morning coffee and fill up your water bottle instead.

2. Place your keys on top of something you don’t want to forget

It might seem strange to keep your keys on top of your lunch in the refrigerator, but this silly trick will force you to remember everything you might normally forget. Now, you’ll save time and frustration by remembering your lunch when you’re on the way out to the door, not when you’re hungry.

3. Stay informed through 

Twitter Social media is a glorious tool. It is one of the easiest ways to stay informed. Instead of sitting on the couch watching an hourlong broadcast, follow your favorite news outlets on Twitter. A wealth of information will be at your fingertips, and you can also download news outlet apps on your phone to receive breaking news notifications.

4. Create to-do lists 

This is the obvious one. Still, most people don’t make to-do lists. If you write your schedule down on paper or even in your cell phone, it’s brainless to plan your day accordingly. By having a scheduled time to get work done, it’s harder to procrastinate. Scheduling and actually accomplishing the list is the key to time management.
