Swimming and diving team hosts match at Lewllen

The Ball State women’s swimming and diving team is back in action at 6 p.m. Friday as the Cardinals host the Doug Coers Invitational in the Lewellen Aquatic Center.

The Cardinals enter their first invitational of the season with a record of 0-4, but head coach Kristy Castillo is still happy with the way her team has performed.

“We are still seeing season-best times, and we are still seeing lifetime-best times, so when they are going best times you can’t argue with that,” Castillo said. “We are still right where we need to be.”

Even though Ball State has not been able to get into the win column this season, several Cardinals have had individual wins.

Seniors Haley Richter and Bridgette Ruehl have been involved in both individual and relay victories in every meet so far this season. They also were a part of all six races in which the Cardinals came away victorious at the club’s last meet versus the Miami University RedHawks.

Richter finished the day with two individual victories as well as two relay wins, while Ruehl continued her dominant season by posting two more wins in the 100- and 200-yard breaststroke.
Ball State’s next meet is Dec. 5, when the team travels to Oxford, Ohio, for the Miami Invitational.


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