Billboard of Obama with Hitler mustache down

INDIANAPOLIS — A digital billboard showing President Barack Obama wearing a Hitler-style mustache that had prompted a swirl of attention for a northeast Indiana town was taken down Tuesday.

The advertisement, on a sign at the Cornerstone Plaza in Kendallville, was purchased by Lyndon LaRouche’s political action committee and flashed the message: “Impeach Obama”. The sign owner, Roger Diehm, told Fort Wayne media outlets the sign was pulled down Tuesday because the time purchased by LaRouche’s group had run out, not because of any controversy.

Telephone messages seeking comment were left with Diehm Tuesday. The message on Diehm Construction’s voice mail directed residents to register complaints at LaRouche’s website. Diehm told The News-Sun that any political party can buy space on his sign about 25 miles northwest of Fort Wayne.

Kendallville Mayor SuzAnne Headshoe, a Republican, said she was glad the sign was finally down Tuesday afternoon.

“I thought it was very distasteful and disrespectful,” she said. “Regardless of if you agree or disagree with what is on it, it was totally inappropriate. It definitely does not reflect the message the city would want to send.”

LaRouche is a regular presidential candidate who leads a fringe political group. LaRouche supporters mixed in with tea party protests in Washington a few years ago carrying similar signs showing Obama with a mustache. Their efforts then drew backlashes, which many tea party leaders said were misdirected at their groups.


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