Tuhey Pool to let dogs swim in community pool

The Daily News

Dogs with drenched fur will take over Tuhey Pool on Saturday. For the Drool in the Pool event, owners may bring up to two dogs and let them splash and play for hours in the community pool.

At the event, there will be a concession stand, dog treats and informational booths as well as dog microchips for $20. The event also will have dock diving and a wet T-shirt contest — but only dogs can participate.

Phil Peckinpaugh, superintendent of the Muncie Animal Shelter, said he thinks this a great event for the city of Muncie.

“I hope to see a lot of committed pet owners out with their dogs,” Peckinpaugh said. “It’s a great opportunity for people to bring their pets out; we are really looking forward to it.”

All general admission proceeds will benefit the Muncie Animal Rescue Fund and the Muncie Animal Shelter.

“The Muncie Animal Shelter will be using the money solely for vet bills for the animals here at the shelter,” Peckinpaugh said. “None of it will go toward salary or pay, it strictly goes to the animals.”

Todd Smekens, publisher for the Muncie Voice, said he has great hopes this first-time event will remain in the Muncie community for years to come.

“It’s a way for the dogs to come and have fun in a pool that otherwise they wouldn’t be able to play in,” Smekens said.


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