Associated Press reporter to give Pulliam lecture at Ball State

The Daily News

For the second time in three years, a West African bureau chief with The Associated Press will visit Ball State tonight to speak to students after winning the university’s 2013 Eugene S. Pulliam National Journalism Writing Award. 

Rukmini Callimachi, who also won the Pulliam in 2011, will discuss her Sept. 16, 2012, article “Niger Hunger Brides” at 7:30 p.m. in Cardinal Hall in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.

The presentation will focus on the devastating drought in poverty-stricken villages in Niger, which has led to parents marrying off their young daughters for money.

“Rukmini also won the award two years ago on her story on the Haitian earthquake,” said Mark Massé, professor of journalism and coordinator of the Pulliam National Journalism Writing Award competition.

The award originated in the 1960s and has a distinguished history and legacy.

“The former winners have gone on to win Pulitzer Prizes,” Massé said. “When we talk to previous winners, they hold this award in very high regards.”

The Pulliam family, who sponsor the award, will continue to sponsor it until 2018. 

The event is free and open to the general public.


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