KAMERA OBSCURA: Six romantic movies that don’t suck

The Daily News

Almost every aspect of Valentine’s Day is packed with cheesiness: the teddy bears, the heart-shaped candies and especially the movies. However, among the slew of bad romantic movies — many of which were released in the past few years — there are still a few good love stories for every type of moviegoer to enjoy. 

For the Sap: “Say Anything”

Does it get more romantic than John Cusack holding a boombox over his head with Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” playing? I don’t think so. This ‘80s classic is terrific; the best that Cameron Crowe has ever crafted. Cusack plays a punk named Lloyd Dobler trying to vie for the heart of Diane Court (Ione Skye). This film marked Cusack’s emergence as a poster child for Generation X and gave everyone a sweet romantic film for the ages. 

For the Artsy Type: “Wings of Desire”

This German black-and-white film is one of the most beautiful films I’ve ever seen. The dialogue, images and structure of the story creates perfect poetry in motion. The story revolves around an angel named Damiel (Bruno Ganz) who falls in love with a mortal woman, putting his immortality at risk. There was a terrible re–make that was released starring Nicholas Cage, but do yourself a favor and skip that one.

For the Classic Romantic: “Casablanca”

This is the classic Hollywood love story and if you haven’t already seen it, well, you may want to remedy that as soon as possible. Everyone should at least know the star–crossed affair between Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) as they try to survive while living in Casablanca during World War II. You probably know at least half the lines, and the climax at the airport remains one of the most iconic moments in the history of film. 

For the Hipster: “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

Hipster or not, everyone should see this movie. This takes place in a world where it is possible to erase someone entirely from your memory. Jim Carrey plays a man named Joel who discovers his girlfriend Clementine (Kate Winslet) has decided to erase him from her mind. This pushes Joel to decide whether or not he wants to go through the same procedure by reliving the best moments they’ve had together. This movie reminds anyone of why they commited to a relationship in the first place.

For the Action Fan: “The Terminator”

I know what you’re thinking, but at the heart of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s sci–fi classic is a romance between Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) and Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). This is actually one of the better love stories to take place in a science fiction film.

For the Fantasy Lover: “The Princess Bride”

The perfect blend of tongue–in–cheek comedy and fantasy fun, “The Princess Bride” should be watched by everyone at least once. Not seeing it would just be inconceivable.


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