Beer can crafts to celebrate National Beer Can Appreciation Day

The Daily News

Pabst Blue Ribbon and Keystone Light cans may become a little classier if made into earrings or a mosaic mirror.

Today marks National Beer Can Appreciation Day, which recognizes more than the bloated stomachs of college students everywhere. It identifies and appreciates the canning of beer bottles. Starting in 1935, the United States began selling beer in cans. This revolutionary movement has changed the way college students clinked their way into the dorms.

Beer cans can serve a bigger purpose than just a buzz; they can be reused, reduced and recycled. Craft sites such as Pinterest, CraftGawker, GadgetHer and Etsy offer ideas and tips on how to reuse beer cans. Whether it be light, uncomfortable aluminum furniture or jewelry, just about anything can be formed from beer cans. While some college students are commemorating this day by burping and littering their front lawns, others can be surfing these craft sites for clever ideas on how to make this Thirsty Thursday and Beer Can Appreciation day one to remember.        

Selling for $3 on Etsy, beer can tab earrings can be created virtually for free. There are just a few, simple steps.

1. Go to Neely Avenue and keep walking until you find two beer cans (which shouldn’t take long).

2. Rip the tabs off each can. 

3. Go to a craft store such as Hobby Lobby or even Wal-Mart and purchase hooks and jump rings. These little gadgets are what make the earring.

4. Insert and clamp the hook and jump ring into the open area of the tab. This will create a perfect beer can earring for your next night at Dill Street.

Last, but certainly not least, show your mom. Let her know your alcohol problem turned into a creative pastime or a second job. 

OK, now that the ladies have a quick, fun beer can idea, it’s time to let the men utilize their artistic side. Not only will this bring out your fun, feminine side, this will also win over your leading lady.

Flowers have never looked so elegant than potted in aluminum beer cans. This quick craft will swoon girls everywhere.

1. Chug a 6-pack of beer. Let your lucky lady know that you truly care, so preferably Heineken or Bud Light. No, Natural Light does not count.

2. Place the cans back into the 6-pack ring (you know, the plastic that hurts our wildlife). This will hold the cans together to make the “vase” even more appealing and different.

3. Sprinkle soil and water deep into the beer cans. This will make the flowers blossom, just like your girlfriend’s love, once you gift this masterpiece.

4. Insert flowers. Whether it be roses or daisies, make sure the flowers are beautifully scented because these may be smacked back in your face someday.

When creating, always remember, craft responsibly.

Reduce, reuse and ... recycle. Forget asprin, make your hangover feel better by recycling your beer cans to local places in the Muncie area. 


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